Now Accepting New Patients! 919.678.8828

Hours: Monday through Friday 9am – 6pm | Map & Directions



Now Accepting New Patients! 919.678.8828

Hours: Monday through Friday 8am – 6pm | Map & Directions



Hip Exercises From our Cary NC Physical Therapists

Clam Shell Hip Bridge Side-Lying Hip Abduction

What is IT Band Syndrome, and How Can I Treat It?

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is one of the most common overuse injuries among runners, but what exactly is it? The IT Band (ITB) is a long, thick, fibrous band that runs along the outside of your leg. It starts at your pelvis and ends right below your knee. Athletes like runners or cyclists that flex and extend their knee repetitively can develop pain on the outside of their knee because of the friction between the ITB and their knee. If you have weak hip muscles, particularly the gluteus medius, you are increasing susceptible to suffering this kind of injury. Other factors like pronated...