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Now Accepting New Patients! 919.678.8828

Hours: Monday through Friday 8am – 6pm | Map & Directions



Category Archives: Physical Therapy

5 Things You Need to Know About Low Back Pain

Does back pain stop you from participating in your favorite activities? Are you afraid that you wont be able to play 18 holes on a beautiful Saturday morning with your friends because you know your back pain will act up? Is sitting and watching your son or daughters soccer game nearly impossible because your back becomes too stiff? Then you are probably like millions of other Americans who are dealing with low back pain. Fortunately a life of bed rest and medication does not have to be in your future. A physical therapist can help you avoid painful and expensive surgeries, or a life of prescription...

5 Physical Therapy Tips to Help Knee Pain

Whether you deal with knee pain while running, walking, going up and down stairs, or just deal with day to day aches and pains, physical therapy can help eliminate the need to take prescription drugs and get you back to your favorite activities. Here are 5 easy tips to decrease your knee pain: 1. Strengthen your glutes Weak hips and poor motor control (coordination) can lead to added forces placed on your knee joint. Weak glutes in particular can also lead to poor pelvic positioning. These changes in mechanics can lead to overuse injuries and more traumatic injuries like ACL tears. Glute...

5 Physical Therapy Tips to Relieve Back Pain

1. Avoid Bed Rest For a lot of us, back pain can be so painful that the only way we can avoid painful positions is to lay down. Unfortunately, lack of movement and laying down for too long can make back pain worse. This also applies to sitting for too long. If you are dealing with back pain, get up and move frequently. Every hour take a couple of minutes to get up, walk around and stretch. 2. Regular Exercise Regular exercise, particularly core exercises are great to help alleviate and prevent back pain. Core exercises don’t necessarily mean performing 100’s of crunches every day. Try stability...

Kicking off the Fall Sports Season

Whether its soccer, football, cross country or any other fall sport that kicks off as the calendar turns to September, it’s important to recognize that your body is going to experience new stresses from practice, training and competitions that you may not have experienced during your summer break. The fall is a common time of year for young athletes to experience overtraining injuries for a variety of factors. Some athletes training schedules over the summer may have been interrupted due to camps, family vacations or other reasons. Maybe you have been playing a summer sport like baseball and...

Physical Therapy and Pilates

Prue Physical Therapy and Sports Performance is excited to announce we will be adding a Pilates Based Physical Therapist to our practice. So in honor of that exciting announcement we thought we would share some helpful tips to get you geared up for Pilates. 7 Ways Pilates Can Improve Your Health Develop a Strong Core Pilates is a great method of exercise to improve your core strength. This includes your hips, glutes and abdominals. Pilates challenges you to learn how to engage muscle groups that can be difficult to target with alternative forms of exercise. Reduce Back Pain By improving your...

What are PT exercises?

Have you ever heard any health and fitness professional say that they offer physical therapy, physiotherapy or PT exercises? It’s common to hear non-physical therapists like chiropractors, personal trainers, and even athletic trainers say that they offer and can provide “PT exercises”. The truth of the matter is, there are no such thing as “PT exercises”. The only exception is when a patient who is seeing a physical therapist says they have completed their “PT exercises”. I allow this exception because I understand the patient means they have completed the exercises their physical...

Physical Therapy and Concussions

Concussions have been a hot topic in the sports medicine community for the last few years, and has really been brought to the forefront due to the recent publicity from the NFL. However recently, I’ve learned there are still a lot of misconceptions about concussions and concussion management. The medical community has changed best practices for concussion management a lot in the last few years, from mandatory concussion protocols in some sports to help detect concussions and protect athletes to the rehab (yes rehab is a vital tool to helping an individual recover from a concussion). Unfortunately...

How to Choose the Right Physical Therapist?

( Picking the right physical therapist is extremely important to ensure you get the best care for your needs. Before we get into picking the right PT, I want to make sure everyone reading this knows that as a patient you have a choice in who you can go see when it comes to your physical therapy needs. While physicians are a great resource, they likely are unfamiliar with all the physical therapists in your area. Most patients that are referred to physical therapy by a physician will trust their physician’s recommendation and go see that physical therapist. It’s important to understand...

6 Physical Therapy Myths

Physical therapy is a great profession. We get to build lasting relationships with our patients, and unlike other professions, we get to be there when someone is seeing changes in their condition or functional ability. However there are quite a few myths and misconceptions about physical therapy that I think need to be addressed. 1. Anyone Can Do Physical Therapy This is a myth that patients and even some healthcare professionals believe because they don’t fully understand exactly what a physical therapist does. Only a licensed physical therapist can perform physical therapy. Physical therapists...

Low Back Pain, Think Physical Therapy

Low back pain is one of the leading causes of doctors’ visits and missed time from work. It’s estimated that 80% of the people in the United States will seek medical care for low back pain at some point in their lives, and there are likely more that have pain, but don’t seek treatment. So if you are having low back pain, you are certainly not alone. Unfortunately low back pain may not only hurt you physically, but seeking a diagnosis and treatment can hurt you financially as well. Save Money with Physical Therapy A recent study of 841 adults seeking medical care for low back pain showed...