Now Accepting New Patients! 919.678.8828

Hours: Monday through Friday 9am – 6pm | Map & Directions



Now Accepting New Patients! 919.678.8828

Hours: Monday through Friday 8am – 6pm | Map & Directions



Tight Hamstrings and Physical Therapy

A common complaint for a lot of individuals, whether they are athletes or not is that their hamstrings are “tight”. Simply put a tight hamstring is a lack of flexibility in the hamstring muscles. Tight hamstrings can cause a problems like a lack of mobility, poor performance, low back pain and other postural issues. Tight hamstrings may be a symptom or a cause of pain for some individuals. For example, individuals with low back pain may find relief simply by stretching out their hamstrings. There are plenty of positions, both standing and sitting, in which an individual can stretch their hamstrings....