Now Accepting New Patients! 919.678.8828

Hours: Monday through Friday 9am – 6pm | Map & Directions



Now Accepting New Patients! 919.678.8828

Hours: Monday through Friday 8am – 6pm | Map & Directions



The Lactic Acid Myth

Have you ever had that feeling after a hard workout where your muscles felt sore, fatigued, and maybe even painful? Well don’t blame that soreness on lactic acid. Lactic acid has taken a beating over the years due to the belief that this was the source of that post workout pain. Understanding what lactic acid is, the role it plays in exercise, and what the real source of our post exercise soreness is may actually change the way you look at your recovery days. Lactic Acid or Lactate? Without getting into the chemistry behind the two, the most important difference is that lactic acid is just...